Posted by michelle on October 31, 2011 at 10:40 pm (General, Pictures)

My 2nd Halloween!

Happy Halloween! Cameron’s a cheeky monkey this year! Some of you loyal followers of Darren’s website may remember this costume from couple years ago when Darren was around Cameron’s age. This is actually my favorite costume of all the ones we have collected so far–the others being penguin, bumble bee, dinosaur, spider, and a very hungry caterpillar.

Cameron wasn’t walking yet last Halloween since he was only 10 months old—in fact, he was pretty much just stuck in the baby stroller last year on Halloween night. But this year he got to enjoy Halloween’s finest tradition—trick-or-treating! We tried to teach him to say the magic words over dinner before we headed out, but it was just easier for Darren to help him say it in the face of strangers. As it turns out, Cameron scares pretty easily—when he saw a particularly well-decorated house, he’d much rather stay close in the arms of Mom and Dad rather than march into billowing smoke and giant spider webs just for candy.

As much fun as Cameron had, I think he was quite happy to be home!

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