Posted by vincent on October 22, 2011 at 10:28 pm (General, Pictures, Travel)

My first wedding

We took Cameron and Darren to NYC for a family wedding. I was a little worried about the trip (as usual) because traveling with young kids is never easy. However, it would be wrong to deprive the kids of a very special family occasion. Michelle made sure that the kids dressed up for the special event. I must say that she did a great job as people (friends and family, passers-by, waitstaff) all uttered admiration for the cute outfits and the handsome boys.

Cameron met his cousin and the groom for the first time. The picture above was taken outside the church before the ceremony. Looks like they were getting along well. Unfortunately Cameron was not as well-behaved during the ceremony and the groom’s speech – Cameron didn’t really know what was happening and was chatting away. Yikes!

Just like everyone else, Cameron had a fun time – it was a beautiful ceremony and a great wedding!


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