Posted by michelle on May 29, 2011 at 11:59 pm (General, Video)

Buckle up!

Cameron has a new favorite activity: buckling! He started with his own booster seat—he’d stand in front of his booster seat, ask someone to sit in a chair next to him, snap the buckles of his booster seat in place, and then ask for help undoing the buckles, so he could repeat this exercise over and over. Today when Darren was climbing into his highchair, I found the safety straps buckled, which I thought was weird. After Darren was done with his meal and let out of his highchair, Cameron walked over and started buckling Darren’s highchair’s safety straps and I realized why they were buckled earlier! Cameron could go at this so many times it’s amazing! Seems to me Cameron understands at a tender age couple important lessons in life: patience is a virtue and practice makes perfect! 🙂

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