Posted by michelle on May 3, 2011 at 11:59 pm (General, Video)

Two of my favorite things

These are a few of Cameron’s favorite things: balls, blueberries, any cleaning agents (from Kleenex to brooms (toy or the real thing)), a Mickey Mouse soft toy (that Darren could argue is his, but since Darren has a huge collection of soft toys, I insisted he let Cameron have this one because that’s the only one Cameron cares about), pacifiers (Cameron’s all-time favorite! Cameron’s really funny—sometimes he’ll pull out his pacifier and “share” it with me or Vincent–we’ll pretend to suck on it and look like we’re really enjoying it and he’ll giggle and ask for it back), and the “Row Row Row Your Boat” song. Today he combined two of his favorite things:

Yes, kicking a ball while holding onto his Mickey Mouse. 🙂

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