Posted by michelle on June 14, 2010 at 11:59 pm (General, Video)

Sense of humor

With the weather so nice these days, Vincent and I have gotten into a habit of going outside with the kids after dinner. I usually have Cameron in the Bjorn while Darren’s running around with Vincent. Today I walked up this short flight of stairs that we have in our backyard and as I was going down each step, Cameron chuckled.

Cameron’s totally developing a sense of humor, which I first noticed last week when Vincent played with him—he’d laugh every time Vincent waved Darren’s favorite bear towards him. Vincent and I were actually just saying how Cameron might be a worrier seeing how he loves to suck his fingers, which is a self-soothing mechanism, so I’m thinking we should tap into his sense of humor more to help relieve his stress, wherever that’s coming from for a little baby!

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