Posted by michelle on June 11, 2010 at 11:59 pm (General)

First fever

Poor Cameron—he had his first fever today! Fortunately only a low-grade one (100 degrees) and it went away after a dose of medicine. I called our pediatrician who said his other symptoms (a cough and a bit of runny nose) indicate he caught a viral bug, which I’m guessing either came from Darren who also has a slight cough or Gymboree. If it’s from Darren, I’m actually surprised we went unscathed for this long—everyone says when kids start school, they usually get sick from all the new germs and bring them home too. So I was hesitant to start school for Darren with Cameron so young, but Darren’s been in school for 2.5 months now and he’s been healthy and Cameron too! If it’s from Gymboree, I guess I need to be more careful but I also need to expect it because Cameron loves to suck on his fingers after touching everything of course. He loved his first class at Gymboree last Tuesday though, especially the foot massage and parachute! I’ll definitely bring him back—after he’s recovered from his cold—Darren started Gymboree when he was 11 months old and he’s still going!

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