Posted by michelle on June 2, 2010 at 4:50 pm (General, Pictures)

Goodbye and thank you Mrs. Tam!

Sadly, it’s Mrs. Tam’s last day with us today! She’s been with us for a little over 5 months! Normally she only works for a family for 2 months max, but her vacation after 2 months with us got canceled, so she stayed for 3 more! We’re so lucky because Cameron still isn’t sleeping through the night. He’s not the best sleeper—he likes to rub his face (hence the redness you see here), which keeps/wakes him up, so I went back to swaddling him starting last Friday night and it seemed to have helped him sleep better. Cameron baby, you gotta start sleeping through the night! Most people aren’t as talented as Mrs. Tam at night wakings! Another talent of Mrs. Tam’s is carrying both boys, one in each arm. She’d pick up Cameron and swoop up Darren off the floor with the other arm and carry them around the house. So here at Darren’s request, she’s doing just that for her farewell picture. We’ll miss you Mrs. Tam! Take care and good luck with your mahjong round tonight! 🙂

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