Posted by vincent on May 16, 2010 at 6:06 pm (General, Video)

Shaven Clean

Cameron’s hair hasn’t been growing very well. There is an old wives’ tale saying that if you shave the baby’s hair, the hair will return fuller and thicker. Well, I am not against shaven heads. As a matter of fact, I think they are good-looking and practical. When Michelle mentioned the idea, I fully supported it. Michelle immediately drafted our good friend Michael who is an old hand in shaving his boys to do the honor.

Cameron turned out to be very well-behaved during the whole process. He complained a little bit when we turned him away from the crowd so he couldn’t see anyone. But as soon as we turned him back to his audience, he calmed down again. The video below captured the event in its entirety (which was about three minutes) but it has been sped up eight times. Michael is quick but not that quick.


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