Posted by michelle on May 2, 2010 at 11:59 pm (General, Pictures)

We love Gilroy!

Call us crazy, but this is our third straight Sunday we spent in Gilroy! It used to be such a trek from the city, but now that we’re on the Peninsula, the drive’s not too bad. The last two Sundays we went outlet shopping in Gilroy and we broke up the trip by stopping for lunch in Santa Clara—Darren even napped after lunch both times!

Today we went to Gilroy Gardens. Darren had been there once, so when we told him that was where we were heading, he was amazingly well-behaved in the car (i.e., not asking to be let out of the car every other minute!) This is Cameron’s first time at Gilroy Gardens—being #2 sometimes has its advantages—Darren didn’t get to go until he was 2, but Cameron is starting much earlier!

Of course the first ride as soon as we got there was the train per Darren’s request. When we were riding the train, Darren took off his sunhat, so I put it on Cameron. Darren’s actually outgrowing this infant-size hat and needs to move up to the toddler size. I thought the infant one would fit Cameron by now, but I guess I forgot his head measures kinda small!

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