Posted by michelle on April 24, 2015 at 2:32 pm (General, Video)

Cameron’s Spring Sing

Cameron has been chosen by his Chinese teacher to be one of the greeters at his Pre-K Spring Sing. At first when she asked him if he’d like to do it, he said no although I think it’s partly because he didn’t understand what she was trying to tell him since she was explaining the concept of a greeter to him in Mandarin, but also partly because he has a bad habit of saying no to everything new first, but then once he tries it, he usually loves it and is oftentimes the one who enjoys it more than others!

Today’s the big day and Cameron greeted everyone enthusiastically, including when finally Daddy showed up!

During Spring Sing, Cameron performed one of my favorite songs that Darren used to know—Hukilau!

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