Posted by michelle on March 22, 2015 at 11:59 pm (General, Video)

Cameron’s ski team’s year-end race

Cameron and Darren raced in their ski team’s year-end race today, which invited parents to participate. Cameron picked me–even though I barely finished before he did, he’s obviously a much better skier for his age and he relished the announcement: “Michelle, racer medal*; Cameron, bronze medal!” and kept repeating it gleefully for us afterwards! (*Racer medal means no place on the podium–thanks for participating.)

On our way home, I added “Let’s Have a Race” song from Thomas the Tank Engine to Cameron’s footage.

Darren saw me work on the music (while Cameron konked out immediately in the car.) As expected, Darren asked for the same song to be added to his race, which I did. It takes a while to get the music to fit nicely, but I decided to add another one of Cameron’s favorite songs to his, just so the two boys have different music. 🙂

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