Posted by michelle on February 13, 2012 at 11:59 pm (General, Video)

Mandarin songs

Since the last video of Cameron in his mommy-and-me Mandarin class, he thinks he has mastered the singing part, so he’s adding more dancing to it. 😉

Cameron’s not as familiar with the next song “Head and Shoulders”. Coincidentally, I also recorded Darren when he was the same age as Cameron here—at 2 years and 1-2 months—doing the same song! Well, big brother didn’t produce the right motions back then either! 😉

Another song Cameron likes a lot is 兩隻老虎 (Two Tigers). I love the way he runs with his two little fists swinging back and forth—he looks so cute and funny.

Today he said “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse” over and over again and “Chip and Dale” once. It’s probably because we’ve been reading Mickey Mouse books—Cameron LOVES Mickey Mouse. Little does he know we’re going to Disneyland next week—it’ll be his first time to the Disneyland here!
