Posted by michelle on January 2, 2012 at 11:59 pm (General, Video)

Mandarin class

I’ve been taking Cameron to weekly mommy-and-me Mandarin classes for 3 months now. The teacher we had in the beginning was very nice but our class was all boys and she got really flustered and commented the other class was much easier to handle since it had a lot of girls. The next thing we knew, she quit! I thought to myself she hadn’t even seen Darren yet. When Darren used to take mommy-and-me Mandarin classes, he would run around, try to leave the room, and in general not follow instructions and not pay attention. Cameron is already much better-behaved! Thankfully our second and current teacher is just as nice and she feels much more comfortable teaching boys. Turns out she has a boy of her own. She also really likes Cameron and told me once that he looks like a little Korean movie star! 🙂 Cameron enjoys the classes too, especially songs that he’s already familiar with, like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star!
