Posted by michelle on May 12, 2013 at 11:58 pm (General, Video)

First show

For Mother’s Day, I made plans to take the kids to their first “play”. It’s actually more like a recital since there are two narrators—the adult narrator who’s the storyteller and the child narrator who plays the role of the Ugly Duckling. Classical music performed live interspersed with the narration and there’s a “slide show” of scenes in the back. The main reason I wanted to go though was that the show is narrated in Mandarin. Darren thoroughly enjoyed the show, especially since I asked a family from his Kindergarten class to join us, although Cameron was a little scared and had to keep asking what’s going on because he doesn’t understand Mandarin—unlike Darren. Besides the show, there were kid-centered activities outside the concert hall, like face painting, which the kids loved of course. Like at the San Francisco Zoo, Cameron requested to be a lion

…and Darren a bunny again!

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