Posted by michelle on April 6, 2013 at 11:59 pm (General, Pictures, Video)

The best museum ever!

My friend Katherine who was visiting from Hong Kong recently took her three kids all over the Bay Area to the best kiddie attractions. Topping the list for us is the Children’s Discovery Museum in San Jose because there’s a fire truck at the museum and she even sent me photos of one of her kids dressed up in firefighters’ gear standing on the fire truck. So I’ve been planning to go at our first opportunity, which is today. As soon as we got to the admission booth, I could see that the first exhibit was the big red fire truck! Darren and Cameron rushed to climb into the cab of course and we were promptly told by a dad that his kid was in line first. Oops! Too excited to notice! While I helped Darren get into the pretend play firefighters’ clothes that they had—you could see me in the background of this photo on the deck of the fire truck—Cameron was waiting patiently in line for the driver’s seat already.

When he and Darren finally got in, they had the funniest conversation between themselves—mostly in Cantonese, mixed in with some English.

For those of you who don’t understand Cantonese, here’s the dialogue:

Darren: “You need to go—otherwise, all the people will die. That’s why you need to keep going.”
Cameron: “There’s a red light and I’m still going.”
Darren: “Yes…[even though you have a] red light, the other cars have to stop and then you go, right?”
Cameron: “Yes…I also have to go with a green light.”

Besides the fire truck though, there was also a ton of other really fun stuff, like bubbles…

…and painting! (Cameron likes to write the letter E these days!)

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