Posted by michelle on March 23, 2013 at 11:59 pm (General, Pictures)

Zoo day with out-of-town friends!

My childhood friend Katherine and her family arrived from Hong Kong yesterday, so today we went to the San Francisco Zoo together. One of the biggest hits with the kids is the children’s zoo. There’s a coin-operated animal feed dispenser—I didn’t have any change on me, but amazingly, Katherine the tourist had lots! The kids clamored for her quarters, including Cameron who has definitely grown up! A younger Cameron wouldn’t be feeding a goat, even if it’s just dropping the food on the ground!

That said, Katherine pointed out her kids weren’t feeding the goats out of their hands either unlike fearless Darren!

The other big hit was, surprisingly, a rope climber! We were on our way to lunch when we walked past this attraction and all five kids couldn’t get enough of it!

Even when we were leaving the zoo after seeing lots of animals and riding the little puffer train, we caught another big hit—bubbles!

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