Posted by michelle on December 9, 2012 at 11:59 pm (General, Pictures)

I’m a fireman!

Cameron has been in love with fire trucks and firefighters ever since he first rode the kiddie fire truck ride at Gilroy Gardens a year ago and heard other kids yell “Fire fire!” during the ride. Today Darren’s classmate’s mom arranged a visit to a fire station. Through my mothers’ groups, I’d taken Darren to a couple fire station tours when he was younger. Compared to those, today’s was a real treat—as soon as our group arrived, they pulled the fire truck out of the bay to let each kid climb on and sit in it! Cameron’s tiny already, so he looked even tinier in the driver’s seat of the huge fire truck!

The driver’s seat was the hottest ticket obviously, so he had to move on back pretty quickly to the rear passenger compartment, but he still had a blast putting on the seat belts and communication headsets. To top it all off, a firefighter let Cameron wear her real fire helmet!

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