Posted by michelle on March 10, 2013 at 11:59 pm (General, Pictures, Travel)

Lucky Star

Last weekend was the first weekend Cameron went to ski school! Kids have to be at least 3 years old to attend ski school at Northstar and lucky for us Cameron is a winter baby, so he’s just old enough for the ski school’s youngest program called Lucky Stars. Cameron started off on the bunniest of slopes in the Northstar Village last weekend, which is a gondola ride away from the mountain where we were skiing, plus we were told he’d only be skiing for an hour out of the 2.5-hour morning program, so we didn’t visit him during ski school. (Cameron did go to full-day ski school last Sunday, but we didn’t manage to get late checkout and had to pack up everything on time besides squeezing in ski lessons ourselves and tracking down a friend who took a spill and ended up with ski patrol!) But yesterday Vincent found out when he tried to pick up Cameron at the end of the half-day ski school that Cameron was doing so well that the instructor brought him to the mountain! As luck would have it, we got super late checkout today, so we finally had time to check up on Cameron. We found him on his way to lunch, so I quickly snapped a picture of him without even having time to focus the camera. The staff photographer consoled me and said Cameron has “a ton of pictures” on the resort’s website, but when I looked it up, mine turned out to be the best of my lucky star—lucky me! 🙂

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