Posted by michelle on November 4, 2012 at 11:59 pm (General, Pictures, Travel)

Surrey ride again!

When we went to Santa Barbara, we rented a surrey and the kids had a blast. Yesterday when we were heading into the Monterey Bay Aquarium, we saw people riding surreys and I knew right away what today’s activity’s going to be. 🙂 So after breakfast and checking out of the hotel this morning, we found the surrey shop. The kids brought along their favorite stuffed animals for the ride.

Darren loves to press Cameron’s face when we’re taking pictures and Cameron’s not focusing, so I had to include this often-seen image here. 😉

We made two pit stops—one at a “people’s” beach and one when we saw from a short distance seals swimming and sunning at their own beach! What a gorgeous weekend in Monterey! I must plan a return visit for the same time of year next year!

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