Posted by michelle on January 10, 2013 at 11:59 pm (General, Pictures)

Another birthday celebration!

Cameron had yet another birthday celebration today—this time at school! I tried to get on the school’s calendar in December before we left for Hong Kong, but another mom had beaten me to it for her daughter’s birthday and frankly I had so much to do before our trip that it worked out well to have a belated celebration instead.

But with our jetlag coming back from Hong Kong earlier this week, I almost forgot to bake the mini M&M cookies last night to bring to school this morning! I had found a recipe on M&M’s website the day before and noticed it’s a different one than what I had used in the past because it asks for cocoa, but I thought it’d just taste more chocolate-y. When I added the cocoa to the flour mix though, I realized our cocoa mix had mocha in it! 🙁 The cookies actually turned out quite tasty and both Cameron and Darren liked them, but I decided the grown-up taste might not be a hit and I don’t want fellow parents calling me about their kids skipping their naps! So I decided to whip up another batch of kid-friendly M&M cookies the next morning. I cut it real close, but I made it! Happy birthday again my little Cameron! 🙂

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