Posted by michelle on February 22, 2010 at 10:55 pm (General, Pictures)

Like brother, like brother

Since both my mom and dad commented to me recently that Cameron doesn’t seem to smile much, I’ve been reminding myself—well, more importantly, Vincent our resident photographer—to capture his smile soon. Tonight Mrs Tam coaxed Cameron to smile for the camera—Cameron smiles at her a lot since she’s probably his favorite person at the moment being his roommate and primary caregiver. I hope to dethrone her when she leaves. 😉

This open-mouthed smile from Cameron we caught is actually a classic Darren smile. Whenever Darren runs, he has this smile on his face, which I just love. Like big brother, like baby brother!

P.S. Cameron had his 2-month well visit today. Turns out he’s not 24″ long—the pediatric dermatologist’s nurse must have mismeasured—he’s “only” 23.25″ long, but that still puts him at 77 percentile, unadjusted for his slight prematurity—not too shabby!


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