Posted by michelle on October 10, 2012 at 11:58 pm (General, Pictures)

I got my Blue Ribbon!

Cameron’s swim teacher has been trying to get him to do up-faces (which are what his swim school calls getting an exchange of air while swimming on the stomach) to swim across the pool. A couple of weeks ago, his swim teacher and I all of a sudden realized Cameron could do his up-faces without any help because he’d only be holding a spongy toy that’s as small as his palm, but psychologically he thinks he has a floatie. Last week, he swam across the pool, doing up-faces, all by himself. Even the most senior supervisor on deck noticed and clapped her hands at Cameron’s milestone. Today after Cameron executed his up-faces swimming across the pool again, his swim teacher told me he earned his Blue Ribbon! I wasn’t expecting it because more often than not, the teacher gives you a heads-up to get you to help the child work for it. The only other time it was a surprise was when Darren got his Green Ribbon, but that was 3 years ago! I love good surprises, so Cameron’s Blue Ribbon made my day! 🙂

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