Posted by michelle on August 26, 2012 at 11:59 pm (General, Video)

I just can’t wait to be king!

The whole family went to San Francisco Zoo today for one of Darren’s best friends Julia’s birthday party. We’d taken Darren to the zoo many times—he loves the little puffer train there, which we got to ride today after the party too—but I think it’s Cameron’s first time at the zoo and boy was he in for a treat! When we arrived, the zoo staff brought all these little animals into the party room for the kids to pet. Darren and Cameron rushed to pet a tiny turtle immediately. Then they spotted the face painter. We stayed in line for a while and finally it was Cameron’s turn. Cameron wanted to be a lion—he came up with this all by himself. I’d seen many face paintings before but this one was the best! Roar!


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