Posted by michelle on August 20, 2012 at 11:59 pm (General, Video)

Swimming with Ah Ma!

A fellow mom in Cameron’s swim class clued me in a couple weeks ago that the swim school is offering free swim times on Monday mornings. It just so happens that Cameron’s music classes are on summer break for 3 weeks and Ah Ma is visiting! So I signed up Cameron and Ah Ma for last Monday’s swim time and videoed lots. But then when I reviewed the videos later at home, I realized I had used the wrong camera mode so everything was sped up! 🙁 Luckily Ah Ma could go swimming with my little goofball again this morning.

Cameron could swim quite far with his fins on, so unfortunately he doesn’t bother to paddle!

Having had enough goofing around, Ah Ma managed to convince Cameron to practice his up-faces! Kudos!

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