Posted by michelle on June 15, 2012 at 11:59 pm (General, Pictures)

Gilroy Gardens again!

We were just there three weekends ago during Memorial Day weekend, but today’s Darren’s second day of summer break and his summer programs haven’t started yet, so we met up with friends at Gilroy Gardens for a day of fun in the sun! The Monorail wasn’t running last time, so Darren made sure to seek it out today. It’s open today all right and has a bit of a line too, so I got a rare picture taken with my two monkeys! Actually we were worried that Cameron wouldn’t get to ride because of the height requirement, but Gilroy Gardens luckily is much less strict than Legoland—yet another reason we love Gilroy Gardens!

Before we parted way with our friends, I tried to take a group shot of the kids. The first one was a close attempt at a decent photo, but the situation fell apart quickly with the notable exception of Cameron who decided to party it up! Meanwhile Darren looks pooped from the day-long outing!

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