Posted by michelle on February 18, 2010 at 9:15 pm (General, Pictures)

New pose

Darren loves to hold Cameron. He asks me to let him all the time, but I’m finding the first pose isn’t working anymore because Cameron is growing quite well. At our visit with the pediatric dermatologist last Thursday (an annual follow-up for Darren’s strawberry hemangioma and a first visit for Cameron’s noticeable and numerous Mongolian spots on his butt, back, legs, and arms), Cameron weighed 10 lbs 2 oz and measured 24″ long, which are 41 and 97 percentile on the weight and height charts respectively, not adjusting for his 2.5-week early arrival.

Today I managed to find a new pose and Dad even caught Darren’s smile. Cameron actually loves to smile—I saw his first smile on day 2 or 3 (I should have written it down in Bobohelper!) and his first laugh (yes a hearty laugh out loud!) on day 5 or 6. We haven’t been too diligent or quick with the camera unfortunately, but hopefully one of these days we’ll capture Cameron’s cute smile for the world to see. 🙂

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