Posted by michelle on March 12, 2012 at 11:59 pm (General, Pictures)

Sleeping beauty

Unlike Darren, Cameron is usually easy to put down for naps and he’s a marathon napper, averaging 3 hours, so oftentimes we have to wake him up to protect his night sleep. But recently, like Darren (and many other 2-year-olds I’m sure), Cameron is too fun-loving and high-spirited to settle down for his naps. Sometimes despite our best efforts, he won’t go down, choosing instead to play in his crib with his stuffed animals and talking to himself. But sometimes, like today, I manage to lull him into a sleepy state with our household classic lullaby “Old MacDonald”, so much so that he just fell asleep on top of one of his stuffed animals. Luckily, he was sound asleep because I had to take quite a few pictures with my iPhone before this one turned out and the flash was so bright that he’d flinch a little bit every time it flashed, but he never got woken up. As one of Darren’s and Cameron’s favorite bedtime books say, sleep tight, my sweet little one!


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