Posted by michelle on February 23, 2012 at 11:59 pm (General, Pictures, Travel)

Motherhood conspiracies

The first motherhood conspiracy I realized after I had Darren was there’s no such thing as “sleeping like a baby”. Darren used to grunt and make all sorts of loud weird noises as a newborn and he was the hardest one in the newborn playgroup that I joined to put down to sleep, especially naps. Then came the sleep training, which I certainly didn’t recall any of my long-time mommy friends sharing horror stories about.

The second motherhood conspiracy I found was all the abuse a mom has to take from her kids. As an example, whenever I take Darren to the potty at a public place and we have to share a small stall, after he’s done with the potty, it’d go something like this, which was totally what happened tonight: his head bumped into mine while I was using the potty, then his finger barely missed my eye, but luckily only poked my forehead, and then when we were finally out of the confined space, he kicked me in the shins with his shoes while I held him up to wash his hands.

Cameron hasn’t entered this “abusive” phase just yet, but while we were waiting in line at Disneyland today, he decided to “play” with my face. I actually remember doing this once with my dad’s face when I was little, so I guess it’s my turn to take the abuse!

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