Posted by michelle on February 21, 2012 at 11:59 pm (General, Pictures, Travel)

Real baby beluga

We also got annual passes to SeaWorld at our last visit. SeaWorld reminds me of Ocean Park in Hong Kong. I think I used to go to Ocean Park almost every summer as a teenager. I loved their animal shows, which never got old for me, so at SeaWorld, of course we went back to the Shamu show. Last time Cameron was pretty restless during the show, but this time he was more interested. In fact, afterwards we went to the dolphin show and Cameron was really into it!

We missed the belugas on our last visit, but this time we saw the baby beluga with the mama beluga just like one of the kids’ favorite books and songs “Baby Beluga” have it. It actually got a little too real-life when the mama beluga pooped and then it was the baby beluga’s turn too! Yikes!

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