Posted by michelle on February 8, 2012 at 11:59 pm (General, Pictures, Video)

Green ribbon!

Several weeks ago, at Cameron’s weekly swim class, he all of a sudden got it figured out. He was kicking and kicking and holding his breath. I kept backing up away from him and realized he could swim really far! From that day on, I had my eye on the first achievement award he could get—the green ribbon, which requires swimming six feet in a horizontal body position, using paddling arms and proper breath control. It took us a while—the biggest reason was Cameron had to learn to paddle as well besides just kicking, but then the teacher would be out sick and the substitute teacher wouldn’t be in the position to grant awards or Cameron would be gun shy and underperform when the teacher tested him. But two or three weeks ago, even a mom in Cameron’s swim class said, “Give it to Cameron already!”

Well, today Cameron finally got it!

I can’t remember exactly when Darren got his green ribbon, but judging by the post on Darren’s blog, he was probably 27 months old. Cameron is 25 months old. Actually when I told Darren that Cameron got his green ribbon, even Darren said “Whoa!” Congratulations Cameron!

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