Posted by michelle on January 22, 2012 at 11:58 pm (General, Pictures, Travel)

One perfect day in Santa Barbara

When I booked our Santa Barbara trip for this Chinese New Year weekend, I wasn’t sure what fun activities there might be for the kids. I researched online real quick before our trip and read about these multi-person bikes for rent—all of a sudden I remember when Vincent and I went on a road trip to Santa Barbara with friends once years ago, we rented these exact same bikes and had a blast because one of our friends was super goofy and we couldn’t stop laughing while riding with him! Well, the second time around was just as fun! Darren and Cameron loved the surrey (that’s what these bikes are called) and were smiling from ear to ear when we were pedaling along the scenic bike route on a beautiful sunny day.

On our way to the beach, we came upon a small playground, so the boys got off the surrey to run around and play on the slides and swings. What a simple yet perfect day!

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