Posted by michelle on December 27, 2011 at 11:59 pm (General, Travel, Video)

Small but big!

It turned out Cameron is actually just shy of 34″—the minimum height requirement for many rides at Legoland—even though he measured 34.5″ at his 2-year well visit at the pediatrician’s. Either the measurement was wrong or there’s a big height difference between lying down and standing up. Anyway, Cameron got away with quite a few rides in the first day and a half at Legoland, but towards the end of the second day, after waiting in line for a boat ride for almost an hour, Cameron got turned away! Lucky Darren got to go around a second time—first with Dad, then with Mom—yes I was actually the one who really wanted to try that boat ride! 😛

Since Cameron started getting rejected from rides, the best place for him to hang out was the Lego play area. Interestingly I noticed a couple things about Cameron’s personality during his free play. First, he’s pretty logical and organized. When he was getting Lego pieces to build out a “structure”, he went along with the established “framework”:

Second (and I wish I caught this on film), he’s kind-hearted and eager to help. There was a kid—probably at least 5 years old—at a Lego station, exactly like the one Cameron was playing at in the video above, who wanted his dad to get more Lego pieces for him to build. His dad refused and said they could either go together or they wouldn’t go at all. Witnessing the standoff—even though it’s all conducted in English—Cameron decided to run to a play structure where he had put away many Lego pieces. It’s not that close by, so after he grabbed a Lego piece, he got lost on his way back to the father and son. But he soon figured out the way and successfully delivered the Lego piece to the kid. I couldn’t hear either the father or son thank Cameron—perhaps the father thought our little helper ruined his teachable moment—but I was so proud of my boy—just barely 2 years old and helping out these much bigger people! Who’s really the bigger person here? 🙂

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