Posted by michelle on December 19, 2011 at 11:59 pm (General, Pictures, Video)

Happy 2nd Birthday Cameron!

It’s Cameron’s birthday today! When I took him to Mandarin class this morning, the teacher started playing her Mandarin CD and it happened to be the “Happy Birthday” song! I asked her if she knew it was Cameron’s birthday because we did fill out Cameron’s birth date in his application form, but it was just a happy coincidence. We sang the birthday song in Mandarin to Cameron twice in class! I love the lyrics, which has a new twist—at least it’s new to me—it goes “祝你生日快樂, 祝你生日快樂, 祝你生日快樂, 祝你永遠快樂” which translates into “We wish a happy birthday, we wish you a happy birthday, we wish you a happy birthday, we wish you to be forever happy.” That indeed would be wish for my baby–to be forever happy! Singing that to sweet little Cameron brought tears to my eyes. At Cameron’s birthday dinner that night at one of his favorite restaurants, I asked Darren to sing the birthday song in Mandarin again after the English version. Happiness always my angel!

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