Posted by michelle on October 13, 2013 at 11:59 pm (General, Travel, Video)

I’m Superman/Buzz Lightyear!

The last time we went on a tropical vacation, Cameron was nervous about swimming in a big unfamiliar pool, so Vincent and I were a little worried Cameron wouldn’t enjoy our time in Lanai where there’s not much besides the beach and the pool. To our delight, Cameron had no qualms and didn’t even need the fins that I brought! Maybe it’s because he switched into a big boys’ swimming class a few months ago where he’s hanging with 5-year-olds. He was so comfortable in the water just like Darren. When a fellow school parent whom we ran into a couple days ago started throwing the kids around in the pool, Cameron decided to fly! Everyone around the pool had a really good laugh watching little Superman (Cameron learned the pose in the video below from his friend JJ who loves Superman while Cameron loves Spiderman)/Buzz Lightyear (Cameron was wearing a Buzz Lightyear swim shirt and trunks) get ready to launch—to infinity and beyond!