Posted by michelle on August 24, 2013 at 11:59 pm (General, Video)


I got a three-month membership at CuriOdyssey recently and I activated it for the summer since we get to stay closer to home this time of year. This morning I took the kids to CuriOdyssey and Cameron loves the river otters there! I have a much longer video of Cameron cracking up each time the river otter pushes off of the glass window, but you can’t see his face in that video, so this one will have to do. I’ll have to bring him back to visit these adorable otters soon and hear his happy peals of laughter again!

Posted by michelle on August 15, 2013 at 11:59 pm (General, Video)

Babies at play

I bought a combo ride-on and walker toy for Cameron when he was an infant in anticipation of helping him learn to walk. (The ride-on toy that Darren had was a loaner from our next-door neighbor back when we lived in the city which we had to return.) Cameron didn’t end up using this walker much at all when learning how to walk, but Darren loves using it for his in-home transportation and Cameron, forever his big brother’s biggest fan, loves tagging along for a ride. The neat freak that I am wouldn’t mind passing this almost brand-new toy on to free up room, but my babies still have so much fun with it! Besides, I’m secretly glad that they’re playing with baby toys a bit longer than moving onto some of the less “desirable” big boys’ stuff. 😛