Posted by michelle on August 26, 2012 at 11:59 pm (General, Video)

I just can’t wait to be king!

The whole family went to San Francisco Zoo today for one of Darren’s best friends Julia’s birthday party. We’d taken Darren to the zoo many times—he loves the little puffer train there, which we got to ride today after the party too—but I think it’s Cameron’s first time at the zoo and boy was he in for a treat! When we arrived, the zoo staff brought all these little animals into the party room for the kids to pet. Darren and Cameron rushed to pet a tiny turtle immediately. Then they spotted the face painter. We stayed in line for a while and finally it was Cameron’s turn. Cameron wanted to be a lion—he came up with this all by himself. I’d seen many face paintings before but this one was the best! Roar!

Posted by michelle on August 21, 2012 at 11:59 pm (General, Pictures)

Getting ready for school!

Cameron’s starting school next week! As I reviewed his paperwork last weekend, I realized one of the required items is a wallet-size picture of him for his cubby hole at school. So I took Cameron for a haircut yesterday and then asked Vincent to take a headshot of Cameron today. I still remember doing the same for Darren and it was pretty easy to get a nice photo of him. But Cameron was antsy and silly today! He was constantly moving and making funny faces. I’m surprised Vincent managed to get this decent picture out of him! We may be using this picture for some time until we could get him to cooperate for another proper one!

Posted by michelle on August 20, 2012 at 11:59 pm (General, Video)

Swimming with Ah Ma!

A fellow mom in Cameron’s swim class clued me in a couple weeks ago that the swim school is offering free swim times on Monday mornings. It just so happens that Cameron’s music classes are on summer break for 3 weeks and Ah Ma is visiting! So I signed up Cameron and Ah Ma for last Monday’s swim time and videoed lots. But then when I reviewed the videos later at home, I realized I had used the wrong camera mode so everything was sped up! 🙁 Luckily Ah Ma could go swimming with my little goofball again this morning.

Cameron could swim quite far with his fins on, so unfortunately he doesn’t bother to paddle!

Having had enough goofing around, Ah Ma managed to convince Cameron to practice his up-faces! Kudos!

Posted by michelle on August 18, 2012 at 11:59 pm (General, Pictures)

Ah Ma is here!

It’s time for Ah Ma’s annual visit! The weather’s been beautiful lately—perfect for riding in the park and taking a picture with Ah Ma! It’s hard to get the kids to look at the camera at the same time, so this will have to do for a keepsake of Ah Ma’s 2012 summer visit! You can tell everyone’s happy though! 🙂

Posted by michelle on August 8, 2012 at 12:37 pm (General, Video)

Puzzle master!

Unlike Darren, Cameron is happy playing by himself for extended periods of time. Starting a few weeks ago, he started putting puzzles together all by himself. Today I decided to video him. Please be forewarned that the movie takes a while to load, but I hope you’ll agree after you watch it that it’s worth the wait! 🙂