Posted by michelle on November 26, 2011 at 11:58 pm (General, Pictures)

First real Gilroy Gardens visit

Cameron has been to Gilroy Gardens before, but he was a newborn then, stuck in the baby stroller most of the time, out only for nursing and diaper-changing! This time he was on his feet, running around, and getting on rides! That said, Cameron fell asleep as we got to Gilroy and napped for couple hours, so by the time he and I joined Dad and Darren, we could only do one ride together.

And then Cameron and I headed to the little kids’ rides where the lines were much shorter, so amazingly, in a span of 1.5 hours, Cameron managed to get on 6 rides!  Not bad for a Thanksgiving weekend and the last weekend that Gilroy Gardens is open for the season!

Posted by michelle on November 24, 2011 at 9:33 pm (General, Pictures)

Happy Thanksgiving!

We usually cop out for Thanksgiving. Pre-kids, Vincent and I wouldn’t even be in town. We would always travel somewhere—I still remember spending Thanksgiving in Spain with Vincent in pouring rain—note to self: not the best time to go to Spain! Post-kids, we’d be in town, but we’d opt for hot pot dinner at home with Vincent’s family since that’s much easier than a “proper” Thanksgiving spread. This year it turns out Vincent’s mother, sister, and aunt are all out of town! Undeterred, Vincent decided we’d have our first ever traditional Thanksgiving feast! Boy, did Vincent’s family miss out! 😉 The turkey, stuffing, all the requisite side dishes, and dessert—pumpkin pie of course—were impeccable! Here’s the turkey–fresh out of the oven…

…and into Cameron’s hand and mouth! Even our little vegetarian-wanna-be approves!

Posted by michelle on November 12, 2011 at 11:59 pm (General, Pictures)

My second wedding

When I re-read the post I titled “My first wedding“, I realized that sounded weird—as if Cameron will have multiple weddings himself! Well, today he had his “second wedding” already. 😉 Actually he couldn’t make it to the ceremony because he was napping, but he did catch the first hour of the wedding banquet! Thanks to Uncle Richard and Aunty Winnie, we have this picture to remember this wedding—and Daddy’s birthday—by! Happy birthday Baba!