Posted by vincent on June 23, 2011 at 11:18 pm (General, Video)

What’s so funny?

Cameron loves to laugh. The person who makes him laugh the most is Darren. In this video the brothers were playing in the backyard after dinner. Darren got a new toy and was showing it off to Cameron. Cameron somehow thought that it was really funny.

Posted by michelle on June 5, 2011 at 11:59 pm (General, Video)

First time bowling!

Cameron and Darren went to a birthday party today that’s at a bowling alley and they got to try bowling for the first time! I actually tried to take them bowling a few months ago, but Darren fell asleep on the car ride over, so we turned around and went home. Today, with a little bit of beginner’s luck and a lot of Dad’s help positioning the launcher, Darren almost got a turkey! Overall he got too many spares and strikes to count. Cameron also got to bowl—just to round it out, he got a split! 😉

Posted by michelle on June 4, 2011 at 11:59 pm (General, Video)

Body parts

Cameron has been working on identifying his body parts for a long time now. He finally got to show off today. 😉 Better late than never! Plus, before he could point, but now he’s also naming the parts, so it makes for an even more interesting video! 😛 Perhaps it’s because he has a chatterbox as a big brother, Cameron’s vocabulary seems to be building faster than Darren’s as far as I could remember. I’ve been tracking Cameron’s vocabulary and he has 58 words already!