Just two days after our first video of Cameron walking, here’s one where he’s walking farther and without falling at the end! 🙂 Vincent thinks that Cameron has been able to walk for a while now, but on one hand, we’re too protective (and busy!) and don’t let him walk and take risks as much as he should, and on the other hand, his personality is probably also more risk-averse (notice a chicken-and-egg problem here?) Vincent’s take on this makes sense as Cameron’s walking has improved so much in just two days—very exciting! 🙂
Most of Cameron’s clothes are hand-me-downs, sometimes not only from Darren, but from other kids then Darren, so some of them are not in the best shape. Poor baby. But some have stood the test of time (and abuse) like today’s outfit. I just threw it together before we had to go to Cameron’s Gymboree class, but we got so many compliments in class, from handsome to adorable. Of course it’s not just the clothes, but Cameron’s personality too—he had so much fun he had a big smile on his little face most of the time. I wanted to capture Cameron’s beautiful smile, so I asked Vincent to take some pictures of him when we got home. But we didn’t have all the music, the balls, the big parachute, etc., so Cameron barely cracked a smile! Not even after I pulled out Gymboree’s bubble blower! I’ve decided we’ll have Cameron’s 2nd birthday at Gymboree, so we can take pictures of him until we drop—hopefully he won’t be tired of Gymboree already then!
We’ve been eagerly awaiting Cameron to walk unassisted for a while now. He’s been cruising and walking while holding hands with someone for a long time, but he’s very conservative—when he has nothing or no one to hold on to or when he’s tired or when he wants to get to some place fast, he’ll just sit down and start crawling. So Vincent started training him to walk a few steps all by himself recently and every day Cameron is increasing his distance. He was a little bit too excited in this video, plus it’s take number 3 or 4 already, so he was flopping into Vincent’s lap at the end. But it’s definite progress day by day—we hope to show a video soon of him walking around without falling!
Normally, with exciting acts like these, the title of the post invariably says “first whatever”, in this case, self-feeding, but “unfortunately”, I’ve seen Cameron self-feed a while ago. I think I tried to record it, but if I remember correctly, by the time I got the camera, the moment was gone so to speak and Cameron was over it. It’s our fault we haven’t let him self-feed more often until tonight because he’s actually quite good at it even without practice! There’s a distinct possibility that Cameron will be feeding himself in the near future when we still have to feed Darren!