Posted by michelle on October 31, 2010 at 11:59 pm (General, Pictures)

First Halloween!

Boy did I have a tough time finding a costume for Cameron! It reminded me of my last-minute shopping for Darren’s first and second Halloweens! So the story goes like this: I assumed Cameron would wear Darren’s first Halloween costume–the penguin. But Darren’s preschool has a costume drive, so I thought I should donate the penguin costume since it has no legs and Cameron who’s crawling and moving around a lot already wouldn’t be a big fan. Unfortunately, as I should have learned from years past, Halloween costumes get snapped up pretty quickly, so I was left without too many options. I was lucky in fact to be able to get my hands on a bat costume. But Darren’s already in black as a spider this year, so I was thinking both kids in black wouldn’t picture very well…It so happened that one day I was in the checkout line at Costco and the mom in front of me found a really cute cow costume there—Cameron’s born in the year of the cow/ox, so it’d be perfect—but she told me it’s the last one! I searched high and low at other stores for the cow costume, but no such luck—plus I found out that cow costume is meant for girls! As I was looking for the cow costume though, I came across a pretty cute dinosaur costume that’s meant for boys. So there you go—our baby dinosaur on his first Halloween!

Posted by michelle on October 17, 2010 at 11:59 pm (General, Video)

Gotta catch that train!

Cameron has been crawling faster and better! He’s still not off his stomach yet, but he gets to the toys and places he wants to nevertheless! One of his favorite toys is this train that moves and sings. Darren used to love this train too—it’s a hand-me-down from our ringbearer Christopher—this train is well-loved! Now that I think about it, this was Darren’s first train and now he has so many I can’t even keep count. Anyway, this train is what I use to entice Cameron to practice his crawling. One of these days he’ll be faster than the train!

Posted by vincent on October 13, 2010 at 11:10 pm (General, Video)

Sexy Back

Cameron loves music. However, I didn’t know that he loves dancing too. I see another Justin Timberlake in the making (I wish!).

Posted by michelle on October 5, 2010 at 11:59 pm (General, Video)


Cameron started clapping in the last week or two.  I actually have to credit the nannies–they started teaching him how to clap and he picked it up pretty quickly! Now he’ll actually clap on demand–whenever we say “好嘢!” which is like “good job!”/”hooray!” in Cantonese, he’ll clap!

Posted by michelle on October 1, 2010 at 11:59 pm (General, Video)

I’m learning to crawl!

Cameron has been learning to crawl for a while now. It’s not particularly graceful right now, but he gets the job done and the whole family is cheering him on (usually—somehow we managed to stay quiet for this particular clip) as well as documenting! 😉