Posted by vincent on July 31, 2010 at 6:09 pm (General, Pictures)

Brave New Train

Today is a big day for Darren as it’s Day Out with Thomas. Since we are fair parents, we don’t want all the fun to be reserved for the elder sibling. Cameron also got to ride the real-size Thomas. I was really worried that the train might be too chaotic and loud for little Cameron. However, he seemed to enjoy it quite a bit through the 25-minute ride. If he is like his brother, he will enjoy it even more next year when we return for another Day Out with Thomas.

Posted by michelle on July 18, 2010 at 8:40 pm (General, Pictures)

What’s “up” with that hair, big brother?

After Darren woke up from his nap today, Cameron and I went into his room to let him out of his crib. Still a loving brother, Darren immediately asked to hold Cameron. So I let him with both of them sitting in the glider. Yes Darren usually has crazy hair after sleeping. Of course after I fixed it, the brothers had enough of the photo session!

Posted by vincent on July 17, 2010 at 5:39 pm (General, Pictures)

Happy Birthday, Bro!

Darren had his birthday party today. At Cameron’s age, he couldn’t do anything with other kids but he enjoyed checking out everything around him and hanging out with the guests. Here’s a picture taken with his godmother:

Cameron has the habit of putting everything in his mouth these days. He was drooling over the Thomas the Tank Engine birthday cake. I am sure that he wanted a piece of it (literally).

Posted by michelle on July 16, 2010 at 11:59 pm (General, Pictures)

My Daddy and Me

I’ve always said that Cameron looks like Daddy, more than me anyway. 😛 Here’s a picture that I took at dinner tonight—what do you think?

P.S. My Daddy and Me is a book that I bought for Vincent and Darren for their first Father’s Day. Darren really likes that book—I haven’t read it to Cameron yet—I’ll have to read it to him tomorrow!