Posted by michelle on June 22, 2010 at 11:59 pm (General, Video)


Cameron must think Dad is really funny. He laughs at almost everything Dad does to, well, make him laugh. Here Dad is rolling around and making strange sounds—sometimes Cameron would roll towards Dad when he’s rolling around—but this time Cameron’s just laughing hysterically, which made Darren laugh too. Actually Darren thinks Cameron’s really funny. 🙂

Posted by michelle on June 22, 2010 at 11:58 pm (General, Video)

First Solids

Cameron turned 6 months a few days ago and had his 6-month well visit yesterday. We checked with his pediatrician and started him on solids today! As they say, every kid is different. I remember Darren eating his first rice cereal like a pro. But with Cameron, he doesn’t know what to do with the spoon—he keeps sticking his tongue out in anticipation of a nipple and ends up lapping the spoon like a little puppy!

Posted by michelle on June 22, 2010 at 11:09 pm (General, Video)

Lord of the Rings

Yesterday we took Cameron to his 6-month well visit. One of the motor skills our pediatrician asked about was reaching and grabbing. I hesitated for a moment before answering yes, recalling how he loves holding on our nanny’s jade bracelet and toys that hang from his playmat. Then last night I suddenly remembered this video that Vincent took exactly a week ago. Well if this isn’t proof of reaching and grabbing, I don’t know what is!

Posted by michelle on June 14, 2010 at 11:59 pm (General, Video)

Sense of humor

With the weather so nice these days, Vincent and I have gotten into a habit of going outside with the kids after dinner. I usually have Cameron in the Bjorn while Darren’s running around with Vincent. Today I walked up this short flight of stairs that we have in our backyard and as I was going down each step, Cameron chuckled.

Cameron’s totally developing a sense of humor, which I first noticed last week when Vincent played with him—he’d laugh every time Vincent waved Darren’s favorite bear towards him. Vincent and I were actually just saying how Cameron might be a worrier seeing how he loves to suck his fingers, which is a self-soothing mechanism, so I’m thinking we should tap into his sense of humor more to help relieve his stress, wherever that’s coming from for a little baby!

Posted by michelle on June 13, 2010 at 11:59 pm (General, Video)

Rolling over the other way

Cameron has been a pro at rolling over from tummy to back for a while now and last Tuesday I witnessed him rolling over from back to tummy. I think the nannies told me he had been doing it even before I saw it for the first time. Well, at least I’m the first one to record this milestone! 😛

Posted by michelle on June 11, 2010 at 11:59 pm (General)

First fever

Poor Cameron—he had his first fever today! Fortunately only a low-grade one (100 degrees) and it went away after a dose of medicine. I called our pediatrician who said his other symptoms (a cough and a bit of runny nose) indicate he caught a viral bug, which I’m guessing either came from Darren who also has a slight cough or Gymboree. If it’s from Darren, I’m actually surprised we went unscathed for this long—everyone says when kids start school, they usually get sick from all the new germs and bring them home too. So I was hesitant to start school for Darren with Cameron so young, but Darren’s been in school for 2.5 months now and he’s been healthy and Cameron too! If it’s from Gymboree, I guess I need to be more careful but I also need to expect it because Cameron loves to suck on his fingers after touching everything of course. He loved his first class at Gymboree last Tuesday though, especially the foot massage and parachute! I’ll definitely bring him back—after he’s recovered from his cold—Darren started Gymboree when he was 11 months old and he’s still going!

Posted by michelle on June 2, 2010 at 4:50 pm (General, Pictures)

Goodbye and thank you Mrs. Tam!

Sadly, it’s Mrs. Tam’s last day with us today! She’s been with us for a little over 5 months! Normally she only works for a family for 2 months max, but her vacation after 2 months with us got canceled, so she stayed for 3 more! We’re so lucky because Cameron still isn’t sleeping through the night. He’s not the best sleeper—he likes to rub his face (hence the redness you see here), which keeps/wakes him up, so I went back to swaddling him starting last Friday night and it seemed to have helped him sleep better. Cameron baby, you gotta start sleeping through the night! Most people aren’t as talented as Mrs. Tam at night wakings! Another talent of Mrs. Tam’s is carrying both boys, one in each arm. She’d pick up Cameron and swoop up Darren off the floor with the other arm and carry them around the house. So here at Darren’s request, she’s doing just that for her farewell picture. We’ll miss you Mrs. Tam! Take care and good luck with your mahjong round tonight! 🙂