Posted by michelle on April 27, 2010 at 11:59 pm (General, Pictures)

My brother the comedian

Today I thought I’d let Cameron exercise a bit and put him on his tummy. He was doing so well that I got the camera to take a few pictures even though Vincent just took a good one of him the other day. Tired out from tummy time, Cameron went back with Mrs. Tam to his room for a nap. I was putting the camera away when Darren kept calling me. I thought he was just fooling around, so I didn’t answer him immediately. He kept calling me—when I finally looked around, it turned out he was doing some tummy time of his own!

Posted by vincent on April 25, 2010 at 8:09 pm (General, Pictures)

An Education

Michelle has started to read to Cameron. Today Darren decided to join in on the fun. Note that Darren loves his brother and put his arm around him all on his own accord. The whole reading session didn’t last too long but it at least went to double digits. 🙂

Posted by vincent on April 25, 2010 at 5:55 pm (General, Video)

Come take a stroll with me!

It was a gorgeous day. After lunch at Santana Row, I took Cameron out for a stroll on the fancy shopping street. I let down the shade of the stroller and found him looking around constantly. How great it is to be a kid when everything is so new and interesting!

Posted by michelle on April 22, 2010 at 11:59 pm (General, Pictures)

Tummy time

I’ve been wanting to take this picture of Cameron for a long time now. He doesn’t hate tummy time like Darren did, so he’s able to hold up his head much earlier than Darren. When Darren finally was fine with tummy time, Vincent took couple great pictures of him. And now we have one of Cameron too! 🙂

Posted by michelle on April 19, 2010 at 11:59 pm (General)

Like father?

Cameron went to his 4-month well visit today—on his 4-month birthday. 🙂 He weighed in at 13 lbs 10 oz (38th percentile) and measured 25 inches long (70th percentile). When I reported these stats to Vincent after we got home, I led with “Cameron is quite tall but a bit skinny”. Vincent saw in our baby tracking website,, immediately that Cameron’s head circumference was 40.5 inches (18th percentile). So he added, “Cameron has a small-ish head,” which led us both to say “Hmmm…quite tall, a bit skinny, small head…I wonder whom he takes after!”

Posted by michelle on April 16, 2010 at 11:59 pm (General, Pictures)

Burberry baby

It’s my birthday today and Mrs. Tam insisted on treating us to lunch. I suddenly remembered Joe had given Darren a really nice Burberry outfit couple years ago, so I figured Cameron should wear it today before he outgrows it. Cameron has been outgrowing his clothes very quickly—much more so than Darren when he was a baby. Luckily, the Burberry outfit still fits and Cameron looks so cute in it! So much so that I decided to splurge and buy Cameron another Burberry piece after lunch. I normally resist the temptation to buy Cameron clothes because it’s more bang for the buck if I buy clothes for Darren, which can be passed onto Cameron. But Cameron deserves new clothes once in a while too!

Vincent’s mom thinks Cameron looks very handsome too in the fancy outfit and asked me to take a picture of him with my cell phone while we were shopping. After we got home, Darren spotted my iPhone, found the picture of Cameron, and showed it to Vincent, who thought it was a really good picture. Of course Darren had to then delete it by accident (he asked for it later.) Good thing Vincent had taken a picture earlier before the outfit came off!

Posted by michelle on April 6, 2010 at 11:59 pm (General, Pictures)

Sitting pretty

It’s been well over a month that we’ve been able to carry Cameron around with just one arm because he can hold his head up so well. So yesterday it struck me he must be ready for the Bumbo seat already. I put him in it and sure enough he sat there quite comfortably for a long while. I remember we took Darren’s passport photos in this Bumbo seat, so whenever we want to get Cameron his passport, he’s ready for his mug shot!