Posted by michelle on December 25, 2009 at 12:42 am (General, Pictures)

Cameron’s First Christmas

Cameron was supposed to make his appearance after Christmas, but apparently he couldn’t wait and wanted to spend it with us in person and get into the family picture. 🙂 Boy, was it hard to get a picture taken between a toddler with his own mind and a newborn who is usually either sleeping or feeding. But after two rounds, we finally got one decent picture of everyone kinda looking/smiling at the camera. Happy Holidays from all of us!!!

Posted by michelle on December 23, 2009 at 11:10 pm (General, Pictures)

Hi Darren!

Cameron came home today! Vincent and I had been a bit worried that Darren would get jealous, but to our delight, he was fascinated by Cameron. Even before we took Cameron out of the car seat, Darren checked him out intently and every time he touched Cameron, he was very gentle.

We had bought Darren a baby stroller, a baby doll, and milk and juice bottles as a gift from Cameron. Maybe Darren saw how I was handling Cameron, or maybe he’s just a natural, but Darren was very good at holding the baby doll and feeding him milk. So we decided to let Darren hold Cameron, so here we have our first picture of the brothers! 🙂

Posted by vincent on December 22, 2009 at 10:46 pm (General)

Handsome or Beautiful?

Thanks for all the congratulations that are pouring in from around the world. As Michelle and I were reading the messages, we realized that many of you didn’t know the gender of Cameron. I guess we didn’t help by not making it clear. Well, let’s settle this once and for all – he’s a boy!!! Please hold all the pink cards and gifts. 🙂

Posted by michelle on December 21, 2009 at 11:59 pm (General, Pictures)

Day 3

Cameron is 2 days old and I’m alone with him in my hospital room. He’s sound asleep and as I’m staring at my new baby, I realized with his stats right above his head, it’s a Kodak moment. I don’t have my real camera, so my iPhone will have to do…5 lbs 15 oz. My secret goal, which I didn’t share with anyone, not even Vincent, was to have a 6-lb baby after my first baby—Darren—weighing in at 4 lb 2 oz at birth. But I missed by 1 oz! Oh well—the most important thing of course is he’s healthy and he’s here—with me. 🙂

Posted by vincent on December 19, 2009 at 4:01 pm (General, Pictures)

Hello World!

Welcome to Cameron’s blog! Like Darren’s blog, we will include stories, pictures, movies and other fun stuff here.

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Michelle and Vincent