Posted by michelle on June 22, 2010 at 11:59 pm (General, Video)


Cameron must think Dad is really funny. He laughs at almost everything Dad does to, well, make him laugh. Here Dad is rolling around and making strange sounds—sometimes Cameron would roll towards Dad when he’s rolling around—but this time Cameron’s just laughing hysterically, which made Darren laugh too. Actually Darren thinks Cameron’s really funny. 🙂

Posted by michelle on June 22, 2010 at 11:58 pm (General, Video)

First Solids

Cameron turned 6 months a few days ago and had his 6-month well visit yesterday. We checked with his pediatrician and started him on solids today! As they say, every kid is different. I remember Darren eating his first rice cereal like a pro. But with Cameron, he doesn’t know what to do with the spoon—he keeps sticking his tongue out in anticipation of a nipple and ends up lapping the spoon like a little puppy!

Posted by michelle on June 22, 2010 at 11:09 pm (General, Video)

Lord of the Rings

Yesterday we took Cameron to his 6-month well visit. One of the motor skills our pediatrician asked about was reaching and grabbing. I hesitated for a moment before answering yes, recalling how he loves holding on our nanny’s jade bracelet and toys that hang from his playmat. Then last night I suddenly remembered this video that Vincent took exactly a week ago. Well if this isn’t proof of reaching and grabbing, I don’t know what is!

Posted by michelle on June 14, 2010 at 11:59 pm (General, Video)

Sense of humor

With the weather so nice these days, Vincent and I have gotten into a habit of going outside with the kids after dinner. I usually have Cameron in the Bjorn while Darren’s running around with Vincent. Today I walked up this short flight of stairs that we have in our backyard and as I was going down each step, Cameron chuckled.

Cameron’s totally developing a sense of humor, which I first noticed last week when Vincent played with him—he’d laugh every time Vincent waved Darren’s favorite bear towards him. Vincent and I were actually just saying how Cameron might be a worrier seeing how he loves to suck his fingers, which is a self-soothing mechanism, so I’m thinking we should tap into his sense of humor more to help relieve his stress, wherever that’s coming from for a little baby!

Posted by michelle on June 13, 2010 at 11:59 pm (General, Video)

Rolling over the other way

Cameron has been a pro at rolling over from tummy to back for a while now and last Tuesday I witnessed him rolling over from back to tummy. I think the nannies told me he had been doing it even before I saw it for the first time. Well, at least I’m the first one to record this milestone! 😛

Posted by michelle on May 20, 2010 at 11:59 pm (General, Video)


I tried playing peekaboo once with Cameron, but I’m not nearly as good as my brother is. Cameron loves it when my brother plays this game with him! My brother and sister-in-law seem to be peekaboo pros as Darren played this with her too back when he was a baby.

Posted by michelle on May 17, 2010 at 11:59 pm (General, Video)

Mirror Mirror

Right after rolling over, I gave Cameron a look in the mirror. I read recently that babies his age enjoy looking at their own reflection. Sure enough, he loves it! In fact, I only realized after I put down the camera that he was drooling over himself! 😉

Posted by michelle on May 17, 2010 at 11:58 pm (General, Video)

NOT the first rollover!

The injustice of being #2! Cameron actually rolled over a LONG time ago—I wanna say when he was a little over a month old, definitely well before he turned 2 months. It’s hard for me to catch him in action though because in general I’m with Darren. When I get to Cameron, it’s usually when he’s hungry and needs nursing, so no tummy time before or after a feed of course. Finally today, very belatedly, I caught him not hungry, not full, and not sleepy! So I put him on his playmat and voilà!

Posted by vincent on May 16, 2010 at 6:06 pm (General, Video)

Shaven Clean

Cameron’s hair hasn’t been growing very well. There is an old wives’ tale saying that if you shave the baby’s hair, the hair will return fuller and thicker. Well, I am not against shaven heads. As a matter of fact, I think they are good-looking and practical. When Michelle mentioned the idea, I fully supported it. Michelle immediately drafted our good friend Michael who is an old hand in shaving his boys to do the honor.

Cameron turned out to be very well-behaved during the whole process. He complained a little bit when we turned him away from the crowd so he couldn’t see anyone. But as soon as we turned him back to his audience, he calmed down again. The video below captured the event in its entirety (which was about three minutes) but it has been sped up eight times. Michael is quick but not that quick.

Posted by michelle on May 6, 2010 at 11:59 pm (General, Video)

Baby talk

I love Cameron’s baby voice and he always treats me to some baby talk once he’s full from a nursing session. When he’s done, he just wants to talk. If I try to nurse him some more, he’ll get mad. But if I let him be, he’ll chat me up in the cutest voice. Next time I’ll have to have the camera at the ready—once I’m done nursing, I’ll video our little chatterbox.

In the meantime, here’s a listen to Cameron’s happy sounds having fun with Mrs. Tam who’s telling him not to suck on his fingers, which he loves.