Posted by michelle on May 6, 2010 at 11:58 pm (General, Video)

Finger-licking good!

Cameron loves to suck on his fingers. He makes it look and sound—he makes all these smacking sounds when he sucks—so good!

P.S. It’s funny our new nanny happens to be saying “yummy, yummy, yummy” in the background, but she’s actually talking to Darren as she’s feeding him dinner. But Cameron sure makes one think his fingers are yummy!

Posted by vincent on April 25, 2010 at 5:55 pm (General, Video)

Come take a stroll with me!

It was a gorgeous day. After lunch at Santana Row, I took Cameron out for a stroll on the fancy shopping street. I let down the shade of the stroller and found him looking around constantly. How great it is to be a kid when everything is so new and interesting!